Your Next Mortgage or Remortgage

The benefits of using a specialist mortgage advisor

Sometimes finding the right mortgage or remortgage can seem like a complicated task, so talking to an expert mortgage advisor such as Mortgage Vision Ltd can help. We take all the hassle out of finding the right mortgage deal for you.

Often the mortgage process seems a bit of a “dark art” and, even if you’ve gone through the mortgage process before, you may not have been 100% clear on the advice you were given, especially if it was a while ago. When it comes to remortgaging, you may also feel you ought to stick with your current mortgage lender for simplicity, to save time, or because you aren’t sure if another mortgage lender will accept you.

That’s where Mortgage Vision Ltd comes in.

Why should I use a mortgage advisor?

Our job is finding the right mortgage option for you and we know our stuff! We will weigh up your options and locate the best deal. If you’re remortgaging we’ll let you know if it’s cheaper and/or easier to stay with your current mortgage lender, or whether there is a better deal out there waiting for you. With some lenders you won’t need as many documents as the first time you took out a mortgage, and the process is often quicker as you already own the property. Some mortgage lenders can even do what’s known as a “desktop valuation”, where they won’t need a physical property survey so saving a lot of time.


Are you "Whole of Market?"

Yes. With Mortgage Vision Ltd you get the reassurance of our “whole of market” advice. This means we aren’t tied to any individual or panel of lenders, which in turn means being able to access a broad choice of mortgage and remortgage options, including some deals that aren’t available direct from the mortgage lender.

How are you paid?

For both mortgages and remortgages, Mortgage Vision Ltd will receive a fee known as a “procuration fee” from the mortgage lender. In addition, we may charge you an administration fee, particularly if there’s additional work or research involved. Don’t worry as this will be explained to you upfront and you will receive a Key Facts Illustration with all the relevant facts and figures within it. That way you’ll be armed with all the information you’ll need to make an informed decision on your mortgage or remortgage.

Can you help with my insurances?

Yes we can! Once we have assessed your needs, Mortgage Vision Ltd is able to advise on a range of protection products such as:

  • Income protection
  • Critical Illness insurance
  • Life assurance
  • Home insurance such as Buildings & Contents

Can't I just use a comparison website

Yes you could. But you should bear in mind that with comparison websites your data will be passed on to several insurers and you’re likely incur credit checks. Specialist mortgage advisors such as Mortgage Vision Ltd use their internal systems and market experience to compare products on your behalf, based on a detailed understanding of your current situation rather than a generic set of questions. This means your credit rating is not affected and you get the added value of tailored advice, rather than basic off-the-peg products.

What kind of people do you help?

We can help all sorts of borrowers with their queries. Some of the specialist areas where Mortgage Vision Ltd is able to add the most value are where you perhaps have an unusual income, or several incomes, or maybe you’ve been turned down by your current lender. There are some scenarios which are more complicated, such as arrears on a mortgage or secured loan and, in this instance, you should speak to your current lender and negotiate with them to settle these or catch up over a period of time.

Is there anything else you can do for me?

Because of our long history in finance, there are many other services we can recommend. For example, if you’re looking for a solicitor, an accountant, a will writer or other professional, we’ll be able to put you in touch with our reliable and competitively priced contacts.

Ready to talk?

Give us a call during office hours on 01923 954777, of fill in our online query form.

You may have to pay an early repayment charge to your existing lender if you remortgage early

As with all insurance policies, conditions and exclusions will apply